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Gold Rate in Chambal

Gold Rate in Chambal today (11 Feb 2025) is ₹7,987

Gold rate in Chambal is ₹7,987. The mentioned gold rate is the 22 Carat gold rate in Chambal. We all know the 22 Carat gold rate is also known as the 916 kdm gold rate. You may be ask, Are there any other gold varieties in the market?. Yes, the gold is classified by its quality and more than five varieties available in the market. But only the first three varieties have the best attraction among the people that are 24 carat gold, 22 carat gold and 18 carat gold. Let's see their price, demand and how they calculated.

22 Carat Gold Rate in Chambal Per Gram (INR)

Titles 1 Gram 8 Grams 10 Grams
22 Carat Gold Rate In Chambal Today ₹7,987 ₹63,896 ₹79,870
22 Carat Gold Rate In Chambal Yesterday ₹7,983 ₹63,864 ₹79,830
Today's Price Change 4 32 40

24 Carat Gold Rate in Chambal Per Gram (INR)

Titles 1 Gram 8 Grams 10 Grams
24 Carat Gold Rate In Chambal Today ₹8,719 ₹69,752 ₹87,190
24 Carat Gold Rate In Chambal Yesterday ₹8,715 ₹69,720 ₹87,150
Today's Price Change 4 32 40

18 Carat Gold Rate in Chambal Per Gram (INR)

Titles 1 Gram 8 Grams 10 Grams
18 Carat Gold Rate In Chambal Today ₹6,540 ₹52,320 ₹65,400
18 Carat Gold Rate In Chambal Yesterday ₹6,537 ₹52,296 ₹65,370
Today's Price Change 3 24 30

916 KDM Hallmark Gold Rate in Chambal Per Gram (INR)

Titles 1 Gram 8 Grams 10 Grams
916 KDM Hallmark Gold Rate In Chambal Today ₹7,987 ₹63,896 ₹79,870
916 KDM Hallmark Gold Rate In Chambal Yesterday ₹7,983 ₹63,864 ₹79,830
Today's Price Change 4 32 40

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Gold Rate in Chambal For Last 14 Days (INR)

Dates 24 Ct/Grm 22 Ct/Grm 18 Ct/Grm
2025-02-11 ₹ 8,719 ₹ 7,987 ₹ 6,540
2025-02-10 ₹ 8,715 ₹ 7,983 ₹ 6,537
2025-02-09 ₹ 8,641 ₹ 7,916 ₹ 6,481
2025-02-08 ₹ 8,641 ₹ 7,916 ₹ 6,481
2025-02-07 ₹ 8,615 ₹ 7,892 ₹ 6,461
2025-02-06 ₹ 8,588 ₹ 7,866 ₹ 6,441
2025-02-05 ₹ 8,627 ₹ 7,902 ₹ 6,470
2025-02-04 ₹ 8,519 ₹ 7,804 ₹ 6,389
2025-02-03 ₹ 8,428 ₹ 7,720 ₹ 6,321
2025-02-02 ₹ 8,346 ₹ 7,645 ₹ 6,259
2025-02-01 ₹ 8,346 ₹ 7,645 ₹ 6,259
2025-01-31 ₹ 8,361 ₹ 7,659 ₹ 6,271
2025-01-30 ₹ 8,266 ₹ 7,571 ₹ 6,199
2025-01-29 ₹ 8,232 ₹ 7,540 ₹ 6,174

Check Silver Rate in Chambal

Some Interesting Facts Of Gold

  • Only 30% of gold sold in India hallmarked. The experts have noticed that the difference in purity of gold and average carat ranges from 10 to 15%.
  • Jewelers Association in the city decides the gold rate and Chambal is no exception. Based on the daily gold rate calculated by the Indian Bullion and Jewellers Association (IBJA), the jewelers decide whether or not to give a discount depending on the demand and headroom they have.
  • It is one of the most liquid commodities and gold held by all major institutions including the Central Bank keeps circulating in the economy.
  • Price determined by stock equilibrium instead of flow equilibrium.
  • Factors influencing the price of gold are different from those affecting other financial assets.
  • China is the world’s largest gold producer at more than 3.61 tons, followed by South Africa.
  • More than 2/3rd of the gold that we get comes from South Africa.
  • There is nothing most malleable and ductile than gold and believe it or not. you can create a sheet of around 100 square feet by beating an ounce of gold.
  • When it comes to conducting electricity, gold is an excellent conductor. So be aware of your gold chain. It might give you a shock if you don’t take enough precaution.
  • The largest consumer of gold in India. No doubt you see Indian women loving gold, but these days times are changing so they need more diamonds than gold!
Todays Gold Rate in Chambal, 22 Carat Gold Rate in Chambal, 24 Carat Gold Rate in Chambal, 18 Carat Gold Rate in Chambal, 22 karat Gold Rate in Chambal, 24 karat Gold Rate in Chambal, 18 karat Gold Rate in Chambal, 22Ct Gold Rate in Chambal, 24Ct Gold Rate in Chambal, 18Ct Gold Rate in Chambal, 22Kt Gold Rate in Chambal, 24Kt Gold Rate in Chambal, 18Kt Gold Rate in Chambal, 916 KDM Gold Rate in Chambal, 916 KDM Gold Rate in Chambal Today, Today Gold Rate in Chambal 916 KDM, Today Gold Rate Chambal, Gold Price in Chambal, Today Gold Rate, Gold Price Today in Chambal, Gold Rate Today in Chambal, Gold Rate in Chambal Today, Gold Rate Chambal, Gold Price Today, 916 KDM Hallmark Gold Rate in Chambal, Current Gold Price in Chambal, Live Gold Price in Chambal

Frequently Asked Questions Questions

What is the gold price in Chambal?

Today's Gold rate in Chambal is ₹7,987. The given gold rate is 22 Carat. We know that 22 carat's another name is 916 KDM hallmark gold.

What is the 24 Carat gold price in Chambal?

24 carat gold rate in Chambal is ₹8,719. 24 Carat gold is the pure gold.

What is the gold price in Chambal for 916 KDM hallmark?

Today's 916 KDM hallmark gold rate in Chambal is ₹7,987.

Which country has cheapest gold?

Hong Kong is the country who is selling the gold at cheapest price.

Is gold price same all over India?

No, The gold price is different from state to state. Import cost and taxes determine the gold price in each state. So the gold price differs from state to state.


The given gold prices makes no guarantee or warranty on the accuracy or completeness of the data provided on this site. The information contained here is not intended as investment advice or otherwise. This website represents our views and nothing more than that.

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